Please review and share the below flyer and registration info for “The 2018 Refugee Integration Conference: Overcoming Trauma to Integration”.
From the flyer: It is a two-day event that will bring together individuals of diverse communities. Partnerships in the public, private, nonprofit agencies and service providers will focus on trauma and the healing process. Speakers will showcase best practices from the field, provide state-level information around the economic costs associated with the underutilization of immigrant professionals, and provide information on local and national tools to help this population better integrate into Ohio’s workforce. Community members will walk away with the tools to help New Americans integrate successfully into the United States.
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2018 UST Conf flyer_final
Posted: October 3, 2018 by Jenny Lin
Upcoming Refugee Integration Conference
Please review and share the below flyer and registration info for “The 2018 Refugee Integration Conference: Overcoming Trauma to Integration”.
From the flyer: It is a two-day event that will bring together individuals of diverse communities. Partnerships in the public, private, nonprofit agencies and service providers will focus on trauma and the healing process. Speakers will showcase best practices from the field, provide state-level information around the economic costs associated with the underutilization of immigrant professionals, and provide information on local and national tools to help this population better integrate into Ohio’s workforce. Community members will walk away with the tools to help New Americans integrate successfully into the United States.
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2018 UST Conf flyer_final
Category: Uncategorized
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