Upcoming Northland Events and Resources

Hi Partners: I just wanted to let you know about several upcoming events of interest. Please note I have added these to the NCC calendar (I have this synced on my phone!) at https://www.columbusncc.org/news-and-events/ncc-calendar/.


First, a reminder that Northland Partners will meet March 27th at noon at the Northland Performing Arts Center at 4411 Tamarack Blvd. We will as usual share what’s going on in our organizations and also get a tour of NPAC.

Also, the Elevate Northland team is meeting monthly on second Wednesdays at noon at Ashland University, 1900 E. Dublin Granville Road, usually in Room 105 or 107. Let me know if you are not on that list and wish to be added.

In other news:

  1. The Karl Road branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library is going to be expanding. Please make sure to share any input with their survey here by Feb 22 and attend their Design Meeting on February 28 from 5:30-7.
  2. The next meeting of Northland Bridge Village to explore aging in place programming in the area will be on March 24 from 1-2:30 at the Karl Road Library.
  3. Ashland University and Seminary is coordinating a series of Interfaith Dialogues. The first seminar in the series, Why and How We Worship, will be held from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evening, March 26th. The second seminar in the series, Ministering Healing in a Hurting World, will be held from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evening, April 30th. The third seminar in the series, Exploring Good and Evil, will be held from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evening, May 21st.  All are free and open to the public and feature representatives from different faiths. Stay tuned for confirmation of location and more info.
  4. The City of Columbus is offering income tax preparation to non-English speakers. Walk-ins are welcome at 77 North Front Street Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Translation services will be available in mid-to late-March by appointment only with Arabic, French, Somali, Nepali, Spanish available. See https://www.columbus.gov/IncomeTaxDivision/.

Thank you all! If you have useful information and events to share, please always pass it on!